Pray the Directory

One of the practical things you can do to ensure that you pray for all of the people in your church is to pray through your church directory. Depending on the size of your church, you might be able to pray for several households per day and get through your church in a month.  

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Did I Apply the Text?

The last question I ask myself when I’m evaluating sermons, including my own, is, Did I apply the text? This is an important question, though perhaps it’s often debated because people disagree on what constitutes application.

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Did I Explain the Text?

The last thing you want your congregation to do is to walk out of church, be filled with awe and wonder, but are ultimately unable to tell you why they are filled with these affections. The only way that people will mature in their faith and move from milk to solid meat is if they have a better understanding of the biblical text.

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