Here I Am . . . well, sort of

If we allow our culture to tell us that we can have our lives exactly how we want them, will we be less or more inclined to drop our nets and immediately follow Christ wherever he calls? My hope and prayer is that anyone who is considering serving Christ and his church would be open to serving anywhere and to anyone regardless of their personal preferences.

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All Alone?

Don’t think that because only you see how the clock gets made that people do not benefit from your penetrating study. You may feel alone at times, but don’t let that sense of isolation discourage you. Seek ways to share what you’ve learned to the edification of Christ’s church.

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Fire and Ice: The Danger of Indifference in Marriage

Pray, therefore, against sloth and indifference in your marriage. Don’t give up. Pray that Christ would enable you to love and care for your spouse. If the passions of anger well up within you, pray that Christ would help you exercise self-control. If you’re a pastor, know that ice is a bigger problem than fire, but be diligent to counsel married couples against both dangers

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Why I Write, pt. 2

I write for the sake of transparency. When I went to seminary, I had a number of professors who would say all sorts of provocative and even heterodox things in class. They would never publish such things because they knew they would get into trouble for it.

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Why I Write, pt. 1

Writing makes me a better communicator. Writing forces me to think in a concise organized fashion. I have to organize my thoughts and ensure that I’m within the stated word limits for an essay or book.

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The Trash Compactor

We are not emotional trash compactors. Sin has a destructive effect on our spiritual well-being. The more we hold on to it, the more it makes things worse. If something makes you sinfully angry, then you need to deal with it.

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The True Theological Rock Stars

When you meet a missionary, therefore, thank them for their sacrificial service to the Lord. Regularly pray for them so that your prayers would undergird their ministry. Prayerfully consider financially supporting your denomination’s missionaries. And see what you can do to encourage missionaries—write letters, send care packages, or when they’re home on furlough invite them into your home for fellowship and hospitality.

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Sports and Sanctification

The sports arena, whether we play or observe, is a microcosm of life. It reveals the true nature of our character. If we act humbly off the court but then act like a pompous jerk on the court, then something is definitely amiss. If we treat people kindly in person but then erupt in a rage of passion when we watch a ballgame, something is off kilter.

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